Talk:Authors/Duns Scotus/Ordinatio/Ordinatio I/Prologus

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The prologue consists of five parts. The first concerns whether it was necessary for mankind in its present state that some doctrine is supernaturally inspired. The second part concerns the sufficiency of revealed doctrine. Is the necessary supernatural knowledge sufficiently given in the sacred scriptures?

Part 3.

Consists of three questions.

  • 124. The first question is whether theology is about God as about its first subject.
  • 133. The second question is whether theology is about God under some special idea.
  • 139. The third question is whether theology is about everything by way of attribution of them to its first subject.

208. Part 4. On this matter I examine whether theology in itself is a science, and whether it has toward any other science the relation of making it subaltern to itself or of being subaltern to it.

217. Part 5. Whether theology is a practical or a speculative science.