Talk:Authors/Duns Scotus/Quaestiones super libros De anima

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The authenticity of the work has long been contested. The editors of the modern critical edition argue strongly for its authenticity, though it would be hard to describe their arguments as absolutely decisive. But more recently Stephen Dumont has told me, in conversation, about connections between the Reportatio and the De anima questions that the editors of the forthcoming critical edition of the Reportatio have noted (Dumont himself, Kent Emery, Bernd Goehring, Timothy Noone, and Stephen Metzger); these connections, which will be outlined in the preliminary matter in the Reportatio edition, seem to put the authenticity of the De anima questions beyond doubt. (It is worth noting too Dumont's opinion, again communicated to me in conversation, that the De anima questions, since they use material that seems integral to the Lectura, probably date from around the time of that work, i.e. 1298-99). (Duns Scotus's Theory of Cognition, p.2.)