Paris. B. Nat. lat. MS 15881

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Contents: 1 Dial. (fols. 1-163v), 2 Dial. (fols. 163v-184r), 3.2 Dial. (fol. 185r-229r). 1 Dial. books 2-7 begin at 4v, 15r, 19r, 28v, 48v, 110r.

From the British Academy description:

Published Information: None. See
Unpublished letter from Gilbert Ouy to Ian Murdoch: Pb was written at about the same time as Ca (i.e. toward the end of the 14th century). "Il est écrit... par plusieurs mains dont deux au moins me paraissent familières: il s'agit presque certainement de copists qui travaillaient pour Pierre d'Ailly".
Observations: Decorated first page: 1r. 1 Dial. may have been written by several hands (there seem to be changes at fols. 30rb, 156v-157r); 2 Dial. continues on the same page (163v) without a change of copyist. These two parts were never separate manuscripts. 2 Dial. ends on 184r, 184v is blank, 3.2 Dial. begins on 185r, in another hand. Most of the codex is in gatherings of 12 folios. Fol. 185 begins a new gathering. It seems possible that 3.2 Dial. was originally a separate manuscript. Ownership stamp Bibliothèque de la Sorbonne.
Collation shows that in 1 Dial. Pb is part of the family that includes Pa Va Vg. In 3.2 Dial. Pb ends with "antistitem" (see End of 3.2 Dial.). In the early books of 1 Dial. Pb is close to Ar; in 3.2 Dial it is closely related to Au; it is not clear which is the ancestor and which the descendant. See Change of exemplar, change of handwriting.

See also
