Paris. B. Nat. lat. MS 14619

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Contents: 3.2 Dial. (fols. 122r-159v). MS also contains Marsilius of Padua, Defensor Pacis and a list of the errors of J. Wyclif. Includes a catalog of Ockham's works, fol 121v, which mentions 3.1 Dial. and gives incipit ("3a pars incipit Salomonis utcumque sequendo vestigia et dividitur in 9 tractatus primus tractatus est de potestate pape et cleri et habet 4 libros").

From the British Academy description:

Published Information: See Written and annotated by Simon de Plumetot. (See Plumetot.) See R. Scholz, Marsilius von Padua Defensor Pacis, "Einleitung", pp. xv-xvi.
Observations: Pe ends with "antistitem" (see End of 3.2 Dial.).
Knysh: The original volume was given by Plumetot to the library of St Victor at Paris sometime between 1428 and 1436, since Simon is described as "domini nostri Regis in sua camera pallamenti consiliarius" (fol. 169r), a title which, according to Ouy, Plumetot received in 1428 from Henry VI of England, whose occupation of Paris ended in 1436. The note on fol. 121v is in a different, and later, script. It is not by Claude de Grandrue ( who composed the "Que secuntur hic habentur" note on fol. 168v), and is therefore prior to 1502. It is posterior to the annotations in St. Victor volumes left by scribes working under prior (then abbot) Jean Lamasse, who died in 1458. The same scribe who penned the notice on fo. 121v also added the list of Wycliffe's "errors" on fol. 167-168. His mention of 3.1 Dial. and Compendium errorum strongly suggests that Mz was available at St. Victor by his time. This anonymous scribe (who, unlike Grandrue, attributed the Defensor Pacis to Ockham) correctly believed that 3.1 Dial. and Compendium Errorum were distinct works. Grandrue on the other hand (in his Catalogus Typographicus of 1514, preserved in Ms. Lat. 14767 of the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris) considered Compendium Errorum to be a part of the otherwise lost segments of 3 Dialogus ["Item&ldots; tocius tercie partis desunt septem alii tractatus... de horum habetur solummodo ab eodem Okam Compendium errorum papae Johannis XXII...", MS. cit., fol. 125r]

See also
