Oxford. Balliol. 299

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Oxford. Balliol. 299 - Membranaceus, ante 1368, ff. 210, mm. 395 x 275, binis columnis, 66-75 lineis per columnam, unica manu exaratus.

Codex iste continet omnes quatuor libros, simul cum tractatu De sacramento altaris. Amanuensis quasdam additiones, quae in A desunt, in marginibus scripsit, alias vero locis ubi non pertinent inseruit; codex tamen iste multo melius ordinatus est quam B.

Guillelmus de Wilton, ab anno 1348 Collegii Balliol socius ab anno vero 1374 Universitatis cancellarius, hunc codicem anno 1368 pignori dedit, postea autem Collegio Balliol legavit.

Colophon libri I, f. 131va: Explicit scriptum fratris Willelmi de Hocham super primum Sententiarum.

From the catalogue


299 WILLELMUS DE OCKHAM 271 (formerly 51?); 307. pP.I.

Mid 14th cent. 210 ff. 15 ½ x 10 ¾ in. 2 cols, of about 70 lines. Collation: 6 leaves, x12 a-b12 c14 d18 e-k12 l-n14 o8+2 p12 (quires n and o are numbered 7 and 8). Catchwords. Two much-contracted English current hands, with blue and red paragraph-marks and blue capitals flourished in red.

20 fo. enim intelligit 7-197v. (1) [WILLELMUS DE OCKHAM OFM, Lectura in Sententias] 7-131v. [Lib. i] Circa prologum quero primo utrum sit possibile intellects viatoris habere notitiam evidentem de veritatibus theologie: quod non—sed est conformis voluntati divine. Explicit scriptum fratris Willelmi de Hocham super primum sentenciarum.

Printed at Lyons in 1495; Stegmueller, Sent. no. 294. 131v and 132 have a list of Questiones Okham in book i in the scribe's hand, to which those of ii and iii are added.

132v-54- [Lib. ii] Utrum creacio accio qua deus denotatur formaliter creans differat ex natura rei a creatore: quod sic—patet quia idem obiectum est obiectum cognitive et sue appetitive. Compared with the edition this copy omits questions 3, 8, 17, 18, 25, 26, and runs together 5 and 6, 19 and 20.

154-80. [Lib. iii] Utrum solus filius univit naturam humanam in unitate suppositi: quod non—non sit possibilis pro statu isto.

The questions of the edition in the order iii. 1, ii. 18,17, 26 (most of), iii. 2-4,6-8, ii. 13, 1 r (a longer version), iii. 9-11, ii. 15, and one not found in print (Utrum de anima tanquam de subiecto sit tantum unus habitus scientificus numero existens in uno intellectu numero: quod sic).

180-97v. Quartus liber. Utrum corpus Christi realiter sub speciebus panis contineatur: quod non—sed illi habitus et actus incomplexi equivalent eos. 198 is blank.

Book iv of the edition, in the order 4-6, 7 (a longer version), 1-3, 8-14, part of P 12 not given above. The text ends on xi verso of the print (middle of col. B), leaving blank space, as though unfinished.

Many passages all through are rewritten over erasures, and there are some marginalia, a few in English, e.g. (28) Awayte ye hare, (29) I avyse ye, (35) loke well. For both Ordinatio (book i) and Reportatio (ii-iv) this copy is cited as Ob by Fr. Philotheus Boehner OFM in The New Scholasticism xvi (1942) 203-41 and in Traditio i (1943) 223-75; he thinks well of its text.

199-207v. (2) [idem, De sacramento altaris] Stupenda superne munera largitatis ad reparacionem generis humani eidem impensa—in sacramento altaris. Explicit benedicto deo.

208 is blank.

Printed from this and two other MSS by T. Bruce Birch, The 'De Sacramento mAltaris' of Wm. of Ockkam (Burlington, Iowa, 1930); cf. L. Baudry in Archives x (1935-6) 129-40, and the list of MSS of Ockham's non-polemical works given by Fr. Boehner in La France Franciscaine xxii (1939) 171-5.

1-6 are preliminary leaves, of which 2v-6 contain a Table to art, 1 (Abstraccio — Utendum); iv and 2, like 209" and 210, have some early notes.

On 209v are three notes of pledging: (a) Supplementum M. Willelmi Wilton et sociorum eius; (b) Caucio magistri Willelmi Feriby (evidently an error for Wilton) et Willelmi Feriby exposha in cista Salton et Universitatis pro duabus morris et dimidia die dominica proximo postfestum translacionis sancti Thome martiris A.D. millesimo ccc°lxoviijo et cavet magister Willelmus Feriby et tradatur magistro Willelmo Wilton vel Willelmo Feriby (cf. MS 91); (c), when the volume already belonged to Balltol, Cauda Nicholai B . .. shille exposita in cista de Rowbery in die S. Hugonis episcopi A.D. moccccmoxxxijo et iacet pro (1 nobili erased) vi s. et viij d. et …

On 2 at the top is an erased inscription, perhaps of an early owner; below that, Liber Willelmi de Wilton... super iiij libros Sent. Item idem super sacramenta altaris, and Iste liber est collegu de Ballolo in Oxon' ex legato magistri Willelmi Wylton' quondam cancellarii universitatis Oxon' ac sodi eiusdem domus cuius anime / propidetur Deus et est inceptor Ockam super quattuor libros Sententiarum et super sacramenta altaris. The late 14th-cent. College inventory-mark 24s liber theologie is at the head of 7, and the valuation precium xvi s. on 8. On 6v is a 15th-cent. title. At the foot of 1 (the old pastedown) is a horizontal staple-mark.

See also