Naples Bibl. Naz. Vittorio Emanuele III MS Nat. VII.C.31

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Contents: 1 Dial. (fols. 1-129r), 2 Dial. (fols. 129v-139v), 3.2 Dial. (fols. 141r-187v). 1 Dial. books 2-7 begin at 5r, 14r, 18r, 26r, 41v, 90v.

From the British Academy description:

Published Information: See Cesare Cenci OFM, Manoscritti francescani della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli, vol. 1, Quaracchi: Typographia collegii S. Bonaventurae, 1971, p. 406. Two hands, not Italian, 14th century.
Observations: 1 Dial. is water damaged and in some places illegible. 1 Dial. and 2 Dial. are in gatherings of 12 folios (except 25r-31v), 3.2 Dial. is in gatherings of 8 folios. 1 Dial. ends on 129r and 2 Dial. begins on 129v, with no blank space separating the two parts, in the middle of a gathering (121r-132v); thus Parts 1 and 2 were never separate manuscripts. 2 Dial. ends part way through 139v, fol. 140rv is blank, 141r begins 3.2 Dial. and a new gathering, in different handwriting. It is possible that the codex binds a copy of 1 and 2 Dial. with an originally separate copy of 3.2 Dial.
Collation shows that in 1 Dial. Na is close to Lc, in 3.2 Dial. close to Ve. (Ve and Na have the most complete and most plausible text of 3.2 Dial.)
