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Primary Sources

  • (1867), Opera omnia, in J.-P. Migne, ed., Patrologia Latina (PL), vols. 144 and 145, Paris: Vives.
  • (1943) Pier Damiani, De divina omnipotentia e altri opuscoli, ed. P. Brezzi, tr. B. Nardi (Edizione nazionale dei classici del pensiero italiano 5), Firenze: Vallecchi, 1943. (Critical edition and Italian translation of De divina omnipotentia and some other works.)
  • (1959), Selected Writings on the Spiritual Life, trans. P. McNulty, London: Faber and Faber.
  • (1972) Pierre Damien, Lettre sur la toute-puissance divine, ed. and tr. A. Cantin (Sources chrétiennes 191), Paris: Cerf, 1972.
  • (1982), Book of Gomorrah, trans. J. P. Payer, Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
  • (1993) Die Briefe des Petrus Damiani, 4 vols, ed. K. Reindel (Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Die Briefe der deutschen Kaiserzeit 4.1–4), München 1983–1993. (Critical edition of Damian's letters)

Secondary sources

  • Bauke-Ruegg, J., 1998, Die Allmacht Gottes, Berlin: de Gruyter (especially pp. 430–457).
  • Cantin, A., 1972, Pierre Damien, Lettre sur la toute-puissance divine. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes (Sources chrétiennes 191), Paris: Cerf.
  • Dressler, F., 1954, Petrus Damiani. Leben und Werk, Roma: Herder.
  • Endres, J.A., 1906, “Die Dialektiker und ihre Gegner im 11. Jahrhundert”, Philosophisches Jahrbuch, 19: 20–33.
  • –––, 1910, Petrus Damiani und die weltliche Wissenschaft (Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters 8.3), Münster: Aschendorff.
  • Gaskin, R., 1997, “Peter Damian on Divine Power and the Contingency of the Past”, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 5: 229–247.
  • Gonsette, J., 1956, Pierre Damien et la culture profane, Louvain: Publications Universitaires & Paris: Béatrice-Nauwelaerts.
  • Holopainen, T.J., 1996, Dialectic and Theology in the Eleventh Century, Leiden: Brill (especially Ch. 2: “Peter Damian: De divina omnipotentia”, 6–43).
  • –––, 1999, “Necessity in Early Medieval Thought: Peter Damian and Anselm of Canterbury”, in Cur Deus Homo, P. Gilbert et al. (eds.), Roma: Herder, 221–234.
  • –––, 2006, “Future Contingents in the Eleventh Century”, in Mind and Modality, V. Hirvonen et al. (eds.), Leiden: Brill, 103–120.
  • Knuuttila, S., 1993, Modalities in Medieval Philosophy, London and New York: Routledge.
  • –––, 2004, “Anselm on Modality”, in The Cambridge Companion to Anselm, B. Davies & B. Leftow (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 111–131.
  • McArthur, R., and M. Slattery, 1974, “Peter Damian and Undoing the Past”, Philosophical Studies, 25: 137–141.
  • Marenbon, J., 1996, “Anselm and the Early Medieval Aristotle”, in Aristotle in Britain during the Middle Ages, J. Marenbon (ed.), Turnhout: Brepols, 1–19.
  • Moonan, L., 1980, “Impossibility and Peter Damian”, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 62: 146–163.
  • Remnant, P., 1978, “Peter Damian: Could God Change the Past?”, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 8: 259–268.
  • Resnick, I.M., 1992, Divine Power and Possibility in St. Peter Damian's De divina omnipotentia, Leiden: Brill.

See also