Authors/Simon of Faversham

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Primary sources

  • De Rijk, L.M.: 1968, On the Genuine Text of Peter of Spain's Summule Logicales. II: Simon of Faversham (d. 1306) as a Commentator of the Tracts I-V of the Summule, Vivarium 6, 69-101.
  • Ebbesen, Sten: 1980a, Gerontobiologiens Grundproblemer. Museum Tusculanum 40-43, 269-88. (Contains extracts from Simon's quaestiones on De longitudine et brevitate vitae.)
  • Longeway, John L.: 1977, Simon of Faversham's Questions on the Posterior Analytics: a Thirteenth-Century View of Science. Ph.D. thesis, Cornell University. [Dissertation Abstracts International 38.7: 4211-A.]
  • Ottaviano, Carmelo: 1930, Le Quaestiones super libro Praedicamentorum di Simone di Faversham. Atti della Reale Accademia Nazionale die Lincei, serie 6, Memorie della Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche, 3: 257-351.
  • Pinborg, Jan: 1971, Simon of Faversham's Sophisma: Universale est Intentio: A Supplementary Note. Medieval Studies 33, 360-65.
  • Sharp, D.: 1934, Simonis de Faverisham Quaestiones super tertium De anima. Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge 9, 307-368. (Contains an edition of Book III from one manuscript.)
  • Simon of Faversham: 1957, Magistri Simonis Anglici sive de Faverisham Opera Omnia. Vol.1: Opera logica, tomus Prior. (1) Quaestiones super libro Porphyrii. (2) Quaestiones super libro Praedicamentorum. (3) Quaestiones super libro Perihermeneias. Edited by Pasquale Mazzarella. Pubblicazioni dell'Instituto universitario di magistero di Catania, serie filosofica, testi critici, 1. Padua: Cedam.
  • Simon of Faversham: 1984, Quaestiones super libro Elenchorum. Edited by Sten Ebbesen, Thomas Izbicki, John Longeway, Francesco del Punta, Eileen Serene, and Eleonore Stump. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies.
  • Vennebusch, Joachim: 1963, Ein anonymer Aristoteleskommentar des xiii. Jahrhunderts: Quaestiones in tres libros de Anima (Admont: Stiftsbibliothek, cod. lat. 367). Paderborn: F. Schöningh. (See pp. 25-27. Edits one question from Simon's commentary.)
  • Vennebusch, Joachim: 1965, Die Quaestiones in tres libros De anima des Simon von Faversham. Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 47, 20-39. (Lists the questions in Simon's commentary.)
  • Wolf, Friedrich Antonius: 1966, Die Intellektslehre des Simon von Faversham nach seinem De-anima-Kommentaren. Inaugural-Dissertation. Bonn: Universität. (Contains many excerpts from both the literal and the question commentaries on De anima, and an appendix editing three questions from the latter.)
  • Yokoyama, Tetsuo: 1969, Simon of Faversham's Sophisma: Universale est intentio. Medieval Studies 31, 1-14. (An edition of the work.)
  • Zimmermann, Albert: 1971, Verzeichnis Ungedruckter Kommentare zur Metaphysik und Physik des Aristoteles aus der Zeit von etwa 1250-1350. Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 8/9. Leiden/Cologne: E.J. Brill. (See pp. 10, 32-33, 190-96.)