Chapter III.




1. The Proposition

2. Analysis of the Judgment

3. Quality of Propositions

4. Quantity of Propositions

5. The Fourfold Scheme of Propositions

6. Analytic and Synthetic Propositions

7. Complex Propositions

8. Compound Categorical Propositions

9. Modal Propositions

10. Reduction of Propositions to Logical Form

11. Hypothetical Propositions

12. Disjunctive Propositions


§ 1.  The Proposition.  As the Term is the external expression of the Concept, so the Proposition is the expression of the Judgment.  The Proposition may be defined as a verbal expression in which we affirm or deny an attribute of a subject (de Interp. c. 6, §1).  It is also sometimes defined as a verbal expression enunciating a truth or falsity (de Interp. c. i): for it is characteristic of every proposition that it must be either true or false.  The form of the proposition is S is (or is not) P, e.g. 'The lion is vertebrate', 'Caesar is not alive'.

A proposition of the kind we have described, is commonly known as the Categorical Proposition, to distinguish it from Conditional Propositions. In these we do not assert the attribute of the subject absolutely: we merely affirm that, given certain conditions, it belongs to it.  In regard to the Categorical proposition, the following points are to be noted: -- (1) It is always in the indicative mood. In the other grammatical moods, the mind does not judge that the attribute belongs to the subject, but expresses a wish that it may be so, or gives an injunction that it should be so. In the indicative alone we affirm (or deny) the attribute of the subject. Thus we have, "The messenger is speaking", "May the messenger speak?" "Speak, messenger!" So too it is only when the attribute is affirmed of the subject that the mind reaches truth or falsity. For truth is attained when the mind assigns to the subject an attribute which belongs to it in the real order.  (2) The logical proposition is always stated in the present tense. Our purpose in Logic, as we have seen, is to study the mode in which the mind represents the real order. As regards this the question of present, past or future is purely accidental. The time-determination does not affect the mental representation as such. Hence differences of tense so necessary in the use of language for practical ends have no place in Logic. (3) The logical predicate is always separated from the copula. In the language of common life, we frequently express them in one word, as for instance, 'The bird flies'. In Logic we must say, 'The bird is flying.'

This same process must be performed whenever we get mutilated expressions, such as 'Wolf!' 'Fire!' 'Rain!' For Logic demands that every sentence, whatever its grammatical form, shall be so analysed and expressed, as to represent as closely as possible the intellectual act.  Sir W. Hamilton stated this in what is sometimes termed Hamilton's Postulate, viz. 'Logic postulates to be allowed to state explicitly in language, whatever is implicitly contained in thought.' Our three mutilated expressions may be respectively resolved into, 'A wolf is near,' 'A fire is burning,' 'Rain is falling.'

We must carefully distinguish between the 'is' of the copula, and the same word when it means 'to exist'. This point will be treated at length later. Here it will be sufficient to note that the copula does not necessarily imply that the subject exists [N1].  Its office in affirmative sentences is to denote the objective identity of the subject and predicate: that they are expressions representing one and the same object. In negative sentences the copula 'is not' signifies the objective diversity of the terms: the predicate is not applicable to the object denoted by the subject. I may say, 'The lion is vertebrate,' because the term 'vertebrate' is rightly applied to the same object as the term 'lion'. I cannot say 'The octopus is vertebrate'. This relation between the subject and predicate of the proposition, arises immediately from the nature of the mental act which the proposition represents -- the judgment. In every affirmative judgment the two terms are different mental expressions of the same object.  The same object is expressed in one concept as 'lion', in another as 'vertebrate'. But the object which I conceive as 'octopus', I cannot conceive also as 'vertebrate'. Hence the judgment, 'The octopus is vertebrate', is impossible.

Here we see how totally Scholastic Logic differs from Formal Logic.  Strictly, Formal Logic should take no account of the content of the subject and predicate.  To it every judgment is simply S is P.  Scholastic Logic rejects any judgments in which the concepts do not represent the same objective reality, e.g. 'Men are circles', 'Cows are lions'. In these the two notions are repugnant the one to the other. The judgment is impossible.

§ 2.  Analysis of the Judgment.  Although as we have seen, the subject and predicate of the judgment are different concepts of the same thing, it is important to bear in mind that it is the subject which directly expresses the thing, i.e. that to which attributes belong. The predicate expresses the thing as qualified by a particular attribute or form [N2].  Whenever we fix our attention on a thing, our mind immediately commences to abstract the attributes from the object of thought, and affirm them of it one by one. It judges: 'The thing is hard -- is black -- is brittle, etc.' [N3].  Here the predicate in each case is the attribute or form not indeed the attribute considered in separation from the object in which it inheres, i.e. hardness, blackness, etc., but considered as qualifying the thing.  It is easy to see how such judgments develop into more complex ones. The hard, brittle thing will be called 'coal': and the judgment will take predicates of a less primary character [N4].

A judgment is said to be true when the form expressed by the predicate is really found in the object denoted by the subject. Thus, if I see some object, e.g. Socrates, and I judge 'Socrates is walking,' my judgment is a true one if the attribute 'walking', which I affirm of Socrates in thought, does in fact belong to him in the real order.   Hence truth is defined as the conformity of the mind with its object. For in every true affirmative judgment the mental concept expressed in the predicate is in conformity with a real attribute belonging to the external object.  As regards negative judgments the case is somewhat different. In them we declare that the form expressed in the predicate is not to be found in the object to which the judgment refers. Yet in a somewhat wide sense we can say that in negative judgments also the mind is conformed to its object. In judging a form not to belong to an object which in fact does not possess it, my mind is in correspondence with reality. But negation is a secondary and subsidiary form of truth. In affirmation there is perfect correspondence between the mental form expressed in the predicate and the objective reality. (I. Sent. d. 19, Q. 5, Art. i, ad. i.).

Grammatically the subject does not always take the first place.  It is the meaning of the proposition, not the arrangement of the words, which tells us which is the subject and which the predicate.  The term which qualifies or defines the other, whether it comes first or last, is the predicate. Thus in the words, 'Blessed are the meek,' it is the meek who form the logical subject.

What has just been said will throw light on the nature of the third element of the proposition -- the copula.  While the predicate expresses one of the forms which determine the subject, thus telling us what the thing is, the copula expresses the being which is thus determined.  Unless the subject were conceived as possessed of being, we could not attribute any predicates to it: for its predicates are so many determinations of its being. A thing which is not cannot be determined. It is non ens - a nonentity.

These relative functions of copula and predicate are clearly seen, if we consider the judgment in its primary form, viz, that in which the subject is a concrete singular substance, and the predicate a form apprehended as belonging to it, e.g. 'Socrates is a man', 'Bucephalus is black'.  In the first of these propositions the being of Socrates is characterized as human; in the second the being of Bucephalus is determined by the accidental form of a particular colour.  Again, if we wish to affirm that the subject possesses real being - that it exists - though without indicating how that being is determined, we use the same verb 'to be', which is employed in the copula. We say, 'Socrates is'.

It will have been noticed that we said it was requisite that the subject should be conceived as possessed of being. We did not say that it must actually possess real being.  In fact there are many true propositions in which the subject has no real being: many in which the predicate is not a real form. Our words, as we have often said, are the expression of our thoughts: they signify things as mentally represented.  Hence the being of which the copula is the direct and immediate expression is being in the conceptual order: and the forms signified by the predicate are forms as they conceived.  In the propositions 'Socrates is a man', 'Bucephalus is black', there is correspondence between the real order and the conceptual. But this is not always the case. We can give conceptual existence to things which have never actually existed, and many of our judgments relate, not to something which has really existed, but to some creation of the mind. Thus, when speaking of Greek mythology, I may say, 'A centaur is an animal half man and half horse'. The judgment is true because it corresponds with the object of thought.  But that object only existed in the mind: it had no real existence.  The same principle accounts for those judgments in which the predicate is a second intention, e.g.'Man is a universal nature.' The nature 'man' viewed as universal, exists only conceptually.

It is thus manifest that the copula does not necessarily affirm the existence of the subject in rerum natura. Its essential function is to signify the objective identity of subject and predicate. This it does in every proposition without exception. For in every proposition its office is to declare that the term employed in the predicate signifies the same object which is denoted by the subject.

Just as the copula frequently expresses, not real being, but what is mentally expressed as being, so the predicate is often not a real quality, but something the mind expresses as a quality.  We saw when discussing Negative terms that we are able to conceive as real entities things which are in fact simply the negations of entities.  Our predicates are often of this kind, as e.g. in the proposition, 'The horse is riderless'. Sometimes both subject and predicate are of this character: for instance, 'Blindness deprives men of much happiness.' Here not merely is a privation conceived as if it were a real subject; but a purely negative result is conceived as a positive action.

Mill gravely informs us that his father was "the first among philosophers to notice that 'to be' in the sense of 'to exist' has not the same signification as when it means to be some specified thing, as 'to be a man'; and adds that "Aristotle and all the ancients believed it to have a common meaning wherever used."  He added: "The fog which rose from this narrow spot diffused itself at an early period over the whole surface of Metaphysics" (Logic, Bk. I. c. 4, § 1).  Mill frequently falls into error when criticizing the philosophy of Aristotle and his followers, with whose writings he was but imperfectly acquainted. Nowhere perhaps is he more astray than here. Not merely was the distinction carefully noted by Aristotle: but the various senses of 'Being' was one of the points most canvassed in the writings of the Scholastics.

It remains to be noticed that a judgment is a single act of the mind. No mistake could be greater than to represent it as three separate acts, corresponding respectively to subject, copula and predicate.  Such a view might seem to be implied, when it is said that in affirmation we have the conjunction, in negation the separation of two concepts. But it is manifest that a synthesis, in which we recognize a relation of identity, and a separation in which we judge that such a relation is absent, are alike single acts [N5].

Certain points which remain to be considered in regard to the Scholastic theory of the judgment, must be dealt with later [N6].

* St. Thomas frequently distinguishes between the 'being' of the real order and the 'being 'of the copula. The latter (following Aristotle Met. V. c. 4) he terms "the 'being' which signifies the 'truth of the synthesis contained in the judgment."  This phrase, perhaps, calls for explanation. Our mind only effects the synthesis between predicate and subject, judging e.g. "The "horse is riderless", when it is conscious that the attribute predicated belongs objectively to the thing about which we are judging. We could not employ the word is unless the synthesis really represented the object, in other words unless the judgment were true. Nevertheless, although the 'being' of the copula is constituted by a purely mental operation, it is always representative. The esse which denotes the truth of the judgment corresponds with an esse of existence. But this existence need not be real existence: we may make true judgments about things which have existence only in the mind.

The following two citations will be sufficient by way of illustration

Sciendum est quod Esse dicitur tripliciter … Tertio modo dicitur Esse quod significat veritatem compositionis in propositionibus, secundum quod est dicitur copula: et secundum hoc est in intellectu componente et dividente quantum ad suum complementum; sed fundatur in esse rei, quod est actus essentiae. I Sent. dist. 33, Q. 1, Art. 1, ad. 1 [Latin].

Secundum Avicennam (tract II Metaph. c. 1) de eo quod nullo modo est non potest aliquid enuntiari: ad minus enim oportet quad illud de quo aliquid enunciatur sit apprehensum: et ita habet aliquod esse saltem in intellectu apprehendente: et ita constat quod semper veritati respondet aliquod esse nec oportet quod semper respondeat sibi esse in re extra animam, cum ratio veritatis compleatur in ratione animae.  I. Sent. dist. 19, Q. 5, Art. 1, ad. 5 [Latin]

§ 3.  Quality of Propositions.  In every proposition P must be either affirmed or denied of S. This alternative determines the Quality of the proposition, which must be either (I) affirmative, or (2) negative. This division is ultimate.  Some logicians have, it is true, endeavoured to reduce all propositions to the affirmative form by writing S is not-P. But the difference cannot be thus bridged.  S is not-P is, of course, equivalent to S is not P. But they differ the one from the other: since in S is not P we deny the positive concept P of S, and in S is not-P we affirm the negative concept not-P of S. The negative and affirmative forms remain radically distinct.

Kant admits three forms, Affirmative, Negative, Infinite, S is P. S is not P, S is not-P. His motive in assigning the Infinite judgment to a separate class, instead of reckoning them with the Affirmatives to which they rightly belong, seems to have been the desire that his scheme of Categories should present an harmonious appearance. A triple division was required in its other portions, and a triple division must perforce be found for the Quality of judgments.

§ 4.  Quantity of Propositions.  In any affirmation or negation, P may be affirmed or denied, (1) of all the objects denoted by the subject-term, e.g. 'All men are mortal'; or (2) of only some of these objects, e.g. 'Some men are negroes': or (3) there may be no sign to mark whether the predicate refers to some only or to all, e.g. 'Pleasure is not a good' : or (4) the subject may be a singular term, e.g. 'Socrates is wise,' 'The highest of the Alps has been scaled.' These various alternatives lead to the division of propositions according to quantity.

A Universal proposition is one, in which the predicate is affirmed (or denied) of a subject, taken in ita whole extension and distributively.

We have already explained that when a subject is employed distributively, the predicate is affirmed of every individual denoted by the subject. When we say, 'All sparrows are winged,' we mean that every individual sparrow is possessed of wings.  A proposition in which the subject is understood collectively is not universal. Thus the proposition, 'All the slates covered the roof,' is not a universal proposition. The predicate is not affirmable of each individual denoted by the subject, but of the individuals as forming one group. Hence, whenever the word All (and not Every) is employed to qualify the subject, care must be taken to observe whether it be understood collectively or distributively.

It is plain that though the Affirmative Universal is of the form All S is P, the Negative Universal will not be All S is not P, but No S is P. The form All S is not P does not exclude P from each and every individual S, as at once appears in the proposition 'All soldiers are not generals'. If, however, I say, 'No Englishmen are negroes,' I deny the attribute of every Englishman.

The employment of the plural in a universal proposition, e.g. 'All men are mortal,' may possibly mislead the student into supposing that in the subject the intellect conceives a number of individuals. This is, of course, impossible. Mentally the whole class is expressed by the universal concept 'man.' But the grammatical form 'All men are mortal,' shows that we have under our consideration, not the universal nature viewed in abstraction from particulars, but the concrete individuals. Man is mortal' is the purely logical form. 'All men are mortal' puts us in touch with concrete reality.

A Particular proposition is one in which the predicate is affirmed (or denied) of a part only of the extension of the subject.

The form of the Particular proposition is Some S are (or are not) P; for instance, 'Some soldiers are brave,' 'Some rich men are not generous'. The sense, in which the word 'some' is here used, differs in certain respects from that in which it is ordinarily employed. In ordinary use, when we speak, e.g. of 'some' men, we are under stood to mean more than one, and also to exclude the supposition that what we say may be true of all men.  'Some' means 'several but not all.' In Logic, the 'some' of a particular proposition, may be used even where the predicate might be truly affirmed of all: and it may be used also even if there be but one individual to whom it could be applied.  Thus I may say, 'Some birds have wings,' even though it be the case that all birds possess them: and 'Some men are eight feet high,' though in fact there be but one such man. 'Some' leaves the extension to which reference is made indeterminate [N7].

The essential distinction then between Universal and Particular propositions lies in this, that Universals deal with the whole class, Particulars with an indeterminate portion of the class.

And here it is well to call attention to the fact, that universal propositions are of two sorts. The majority of them cannot be attained by mere enumeration of instances. Some indeed can. I can arrive at the universal truth, that 'All the apostles were Jews,' by a process of counting. But propositions of this character are of minor moment. Enumeration will not serve me in regard to such propositions as, 'All men are mortal,' 'All birds are oviparous.' Here, I refer not merely to an incalculable number of past instances, but also to the future. All laws of nature known to science are propositions of this character.  The aim and object of scientific enquiry is to establish such universal truths.

How is it that we can affirm a predicate of individuals, which have not come within our experience? The explanation lies in the fact, that in these propositions we know the predicate to be invariably connected with the universal class-notion employed in the subject. In a later part of Logic, we shall consider how we reach this knowledge. It is sufficient here to observe that to what ever individuals the notion 'man ' is applicable, the predicate 'mortal' is applicable also. In virtue of their being men, they possess the attribute of mortality. The universality of these propositions rests not on enumeration, but on our knowledge of the constant connection between the concepts of the subject and predicate.

It remains to consider Indesignate and Singular pro positions.

Indesignate propositions are such as have no sign of quantity. As far as form is concerned, they may be universal, or they may be particular. If I say, 'Old men are melancholy,' it does not appear, whether I am speaking of all old men, or of some only. Hence indesignate propositions have no place in Logic, until a sign of quantity is affixed to them. In some cases indeed the Indesignate is used to signify that the predicate is connected necessarily with the subject, e.g. 'Man is mortal'.  Here the proposition is of course equivalent to a universal. For these judgments in which the Indesignate form stands not for individuals, but for the class-nature, some authors employ the convenient term Generic judgments. But it should be observed that we do not know their universal character from the logical form, but from our previous acquaintance with the matter under consideration.  Very often the Indesignate is used for what are termed moral universals, as in the example already given', Old men are melancholy'.  A moral universal admits exceptions, and hence is logically a particular.

The Singular proposition is, as we have said, one whose subject is either a significant Singular term or a proper name. These propositions present some anomalies. On the one hand, the individual object is a member of a class, and it appears incongruous to treat it as though it were itself a class. On the other, the definition of a Universal proposition is applicable to them, for the predicate is affirmed of the subject in its whole extension, the extension in this case being restricted to a single individual.

Modern logicians have resolved to treat this proposition as a Universal, and it will be convenient to adhere to that arrangement.

The older logicians classify the Singular proposition separately, and assign it neither to the Universal nor to the Particular [N8].  This was, it would seem, the more scientific course. For the Universal and Particular are distinguished by the manner in which the concept employed as subject is understood in regard to extension. But as we have explained above (Ch. 2, §1) we have no singular concepts. Hence there is a fundamental difference between such a proposition as, 'All men are mortal,' and 'Socrates is a philosopher.'

Propositions whose subject is a Collective term are Singular propositions. Thus if I say,' All the apples filled the bowl,' it is clear that I refer to this group of apples considered as a single object.

§ 5. The Fourfold Scheme of Propositions.  The last paragraph has shown us that the two fundamental forms of the proposition are the Universal and the Particular.  In one of these two, every known truth can be expressed. For the assertion made is either known to hold good of the subject in its whole extension, or not.  If it is known to hold good, we use the Universal proposition. If it does not hold good as regards the whole extension of the subject, or if, though it holds good, we do not know this to be the case, we use the Particular.  This distinction, combined with that based on quality, gives us the fourfold scheme, viz. Universal Affirmative, Particular Affirmative, Universal Negative, Particular Negative.  These are respectively given by the letters, A.I.E.O. These letters are the vowels of the two Latin words, Affirmo (I affirm) and Nego (I deny). The first vowel in each stands for the Universal, the second vowel for the Particular. Another notation, which is found convenient, is SaP, SiP, SeP, SoP: this notation has symbols for the subject and predicate, as well as for quantity and quality. Hence, our four propositions may be thus expressed.

All S are P.                  A.        SaP.

Some S are P.              I.          SiP.

No S are P.                  E.        SeP.

Some S are not P.        0.         SoP.

§ 6. Analytic and Synthetic Propositions. This distinction is based on the fact that each of our Judgments is based on one or other of two very different motives.  The point will best be elucidated by a few examples. If we consider the following propositions, 'The angles of every triangle are equal to two right angles,' 'The whole is greater than its part,' 'Every square has four sides,' and compare them with such propositions as 'Water freezes at 320o Fahrenheit,' 'Some cows are black,' we shall at once recognize that there is a difference between the two classes.  We are, indeed, certain of the truth of all these propositions. But our certainty has a different motive in the first class, and in the second. In the case of the first class of Judgments, as soon as we consider the concepts of the subject and predicate, we see that they are necessarily bound together.  A triangle must have its angles equal to two right angles; otherwise it would not be what we mean by a triangle. Were we told of any figure that its interior angles were greater or less than two right angles, we should be justified in affirming that it was not, and could not under any circumstances be a rectilinear triangle. In the same way the intension of the concepts 'whole' and 'part' excludes the supposition of a whole that is not greater than its part; for the meaning of the term 'whole,' is 'that which consists of parts.' In regard to the second class, the motive of our assent is very different. It is experience that has led to my conviction that water freezes at 320 F., and that certain cows are black. There is nothing in my notion of ' cows which prescribes 'blackness,' nor in my notion of' water,' which compels me to think of it as possessing this particular freezing-point at the sea-level. In neither of these propositions are the two concepts linked together in virtue of their intension.

The former class of propositions is termed Analytic, the latter Synthetic.

The definition of Analytic and Synthetic propositions is differently given by Scholastic philosophers on the one hand, and by the greater number of Logicians since the days of Kant, on the other.  The difference is of primary importance in philosophy. We place the Scholastic definitions first.

An Analytic proposition is one, in which either the predicate is contained in the intension of the subject, or the subject in the intension of the predicate.

A Synthetic proposition is one in which the connection of subject and predicate is not involved in the intension of the terms.

It will be seen that Analytic propositions are of two kinds. The first kind consists of those in which the predicate is a term signifying either the whole intension, or part of the intension of the subject. Such is the proposition, 'Every square has four sides.' The second kind consists of those in which the predicate is an attribute which results necessarily from the nature of the subject [N9].  For where this is the case the subject is found in the intension of the predicate. An example is furnished by the proposition, 'A triangle is a figure having its interior angles equal to two right angles.' The predicate here is not found in the intension or definition of 'triangle'. But it is an attribute which necessarily results from and is involved in the characteristics of a triangle. And if we desire to define the attribute 'having its interior angles equal to two right angles,' we can only do so by stating that it is a quantitative measure proper to the angles of a triangle [N10].

It is not however necessary that the connection of the attribute with the subject should be evident on the first consideration. Many steps may be necessary.  Every geometrical theorem gives us an Analytical pro position as its conclusion.  The connection between subject and predicate is involved in the intension of the terms : but we must often take a long series of steps before the necessity of that connection becomes manifest to us [N11].

The modern definitions are as follows

An Analytic Proposition is one, in which the predicate is contained in the definition of the subject.

A Synthetic proposition is one, in which the predicate is not contained in the notion of the subject.

So prevalent have these definitions become, that in any public examination at the present day, a question, involving these terms, would certainly employ them in this latter sense.

* (a) We have spoken of the differences between the two definitions as of vital moment. The Kantian division of Analytic and Synthetic propositions relegates to one class propositions, our knowledge of which depends wholly on experience of the individual case, such as 'This book is bound in cloth,' and propositions such as, 'The square on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the remaining sides'. Neither of these, Kant tells us, can be discovered by analysis. For he considers only the case, in which the predicate is found by the analysis of the subject, and entirely ignores the case, in which the subject-term is revealed by an analysis of the predicate. What account then is to be given of our conviction as to the truth of such propositions as that relating to the square on the hypotenuse? If they are not analytic, two hypotheses only are possible. Either (1) we accept them on a dictate of our understanding, of which no account can be given. They are synthetic a priori. This is Kant's solution. Or (2) their truth is a conclusion, at which we arrive from an examination of individual instances, but we possess no ground for saying, that they must be true, that e.g. every right-angled triangle has the property described. This is Mill's solution.

(b) There have been three theories as to the object of Analytic propositions.  Mill (following Hobbes) holds that they are concerned with the meaning of names only, and terms them Verbal propositions.  Leibniz held that they are concerned with our concepts.  The Scholastics taught that they are truths relating to things, though known through our concepts, and expressed in words.  Professor Case wisely says, "The division of propositions into verbal and real is defective. A verbal is not necessarily opposed to a real proposition, a predicate does not cease to be characteristic of a thing by becoming the meaning of its name, and there are some propositions which are verbal and real, such as, all bodies are extended, the whole is greater than its part. . . . Sometimes the same analytical judgment is at once 'real, notional and verbal, e.g. the whole is, is conceived, and means that which is greater than its part" (Physical Realism, p. 340).

(c) It is sometimes said, that every synthetic judgment becomes analytic with the growth of our knowledge, that e.g. 'George III. died in 1820,' is an analytic judgment to one who knows the history of that period. The argument is quite fallacious. The facts, which occur to an individual member of a class, are not necessary notes of his nature, forming the connotation of the concept which expresses it. In the first place, of individuals as such we have no concepts: all concepts are universal.  And secondly, even were it possible to have a concept expressing the essential nature of the individual, the purely contingent facts relating to him would not be part of it. Of course, if I form a complex concept applicable to George III, such as e.g. 'The King of England at the beginning of the nineteenth century,' and to this add the note 'who died in 1820,' then I may form the analytic proposition, 'The King of England at the beginning of the nineteenth century, who died in 1820, died in 1820.' But the value of an analytic proposition of this kind is not great.

(d) Analytic propositions are also termed Essential, Explicative, a priori, Verbal; and correspondingly, synthetic propositions are known as Accidental, Ampliative, a posteriori, Real. On this whole subject, see Professor Case's Physical Realism, pp. 334 - 353.

§ 7.  Complex Propositions.  Complex propositions are such as have a complex term for their subject or their predicate. By a complex term is understood a many-worded term, consisting of two or more distinct parts, so that it expresses, not merely the nature of the thing denoted, but also one or more qualifications belonging to it, e.g. 'the white knight,' 'the roller which is in my garden,' and the like. These qualifications are often (as in the second of the instances just given), expressed by subordinate clauses, introduced by a relative. Yet it is manifest that, even if a complex term involves two or three such clauses, the term is but one, and constitutes a single subject or predicate, as the case may be.

Two forms of complex propositions are ordinarily distinguished by logicians. The distinction is grammatical, not logical, and is given in order to put us on our guard against ambiguity.

(1) Propositions with an explicative qualification. In these the qualification belongs to every individual signified by the general name, to which it belongs. Thus in the, proposition, 'Whales, which are mammals, are aquatic animals,' the relative clause is applicable to every individual, that is signified by the general name 'whales.'

(2) Propositions with a restrictive (or determinative) qualification. In these, the qualification restricts the signification of the general name to a certain part of its denotation. Thus in the sentence, 'All nations, that have been civilized, have cultivated philosophy,' the qualification does not belong to all the members of the class indicated. Not all nations are civilized.

The time determination involved in the use of the past and future tenses of the verb, is a special form of complexity in the proposition. This however, as we have noted, Logic is enabled to disregard. Another constantly recurring form is that produced by the employment of transitive verbs, followed by an object, e.g. 'Brutus slew his benefactor,' which gives as the logical predicate, the complex term 'a slayer of his benefactor.'

§ 8. Compound Categorical Propositions.  It often happens that what grammatically is a single assertion, is resolvable into two or more propositions, each with its own subject and predicate. In such cases, we have the Compound Categorical Proposition. Propositions of this kind are divided into two classes - those whose character is apparent from their grammatical structure (aperté compositi), and those in which the grammatical form does not manifest their composite nature (occulté compositi). These latter are termed Exponibles.

(a) Propositions compound in form.  Of these there are three classes: --

(i) Copulative propositions. These are affirmative propositions, in which there are two or more subjects or predicates or both. Hence they are resolvable into a number of independent affirmative propositions: e.g. 'Peter and Paul ended their days at Rome.' This is equivalent to 'Peter ended his days at Rome. Paul ended his days at Rome.'

(ii). Remotive propositions. These are negations similarly united. The conjunctions employed will be such as the negative form demands. For example, 'Neither riches nor honours can banish anxiety'; this sentence may be resolved, 'Riches cannot banish anxiety. Honours cannot banish anxiety.' 'No Mohammedan will eat swine's flesh or drink wine.' This, in its logical expression, becomes, 'No Mohammedan will eat swine's flesh. No Mohammedan will drink wine.'

(iii). Discretive or Adversative propositions. Here we have either two affirmative propositions, or an affirmative and a negative proposition, connected by an adversative conjunction, such as but, although, yet. Thus: 'William I. was brave but not magnanimous.'  This gives us the two propositions 'William I. was brave.  William I. was not magnanimous.'

(b) Exponible propositions.  In these, as we have said, there is nothing in the grammatical structure of the sentence to indicate that it is equivalent to more than one logical proposition. Here also, three classes are ordinarily enumerated.

(i) Exclusive Propositions. These contain a word, such as 'alone,' attached to the subject, and thus excluding the predicate from any other subject than this one. Hence two propositions are necessary to declare the full meaning, one to affirm the predicate of this subject, and another to deny it of all others. For instance, 'God alone is omnipotent.' This is equivalent to 'God is omnipotent. No other is omnipotent.'

(ii) Exceptive Propositions. In these, the subject term is restricted in its application by a word such as except - save, which excludes a portion of its denotation -e.g. 'All the crew save one were drowned.'  Here again, two exponent propositions are needed, the one denying the predicate of the excepted part, the other affirming it of the remainder. The example just given will become, 'One of the crew was not drowned. The remaining members were drowned.'

If the order of the terms is altered, then both Exclusives and Exceptives may be expressed by a single exponent. 'Only God is omnipotent,' will become 'All that is omnipotent is God'; and 'All the crew save one were drowned,' will be 'The portion of the crew that was not drowned was one man.' But if the original order is to be preserved, two propositions are necessary. The reasons which justify a change of order will be dealt with in Ch. 5.

(3) Inceptive and Desitive Propositions. In these a statement is made as to the commencement or ending of something; e.g. 'Printing became customary after 'the fifteenth century,' 'Paganism ceased in England 'about the year 700 A D.' These are resolved by two propositions, one relating to the state of things before the time indicated, and one relating to what occurred subsequently. Thus the first example will become 'Printing was not customary before the close of the fifteenth century. Printing was customary after that date.'

§ 9.  Modal Propositions.  The Modal proposition affords us another case in which the traditional terminology differs from that in vogue since the days of Kant. Here too we shall first explain modality as understood by the Scholastic philosophers, and then deal with the Kantian account.

The characteristic of the Modal, is that the copula undergoes modification, in order to express the manner in which the predicate belongs to the subject. There are propositions, in which the attribute affirmed belongs to the subject by strict necessity. Thus 'mortality' is an attribute that is necessarily connected with the subject 'man.' In other cases the element of necessity is absent. 'To be learned' is affirmable of some men only. It is not an attribute belonging necessarily to the nature 'man.'  The pure categorical draws no distinction between these cases. We employ the same copula 'is,' whether the connection is necessary or contingent. But in the Modal proposition, the nature of the connection between attribute and subject receives expression.

It has been frequently objected, that this whole question belongs not to Logic but to Metaphysics. Thus Sir W. Hamilton says, "Necessity, Possibility, etc. do not relate to the connection of the subject and predicate . . . as terms in thought, but as realities in existence: they are metaphysical, not logical condi'tions."  This objection rests on a misconception as to the province of Logic. Necessity and Possibility as objective facts, belong to the real order. But as mentally expressed by us, they belong to the logical order; and a treatise on Logic would be incomplete without some mention of the manner in which the mental judgment represents these metaphysical conditions.

The relation of the attribute to the subject is, objectively, determined by one of three modes. These are (i) the Necessary, in which the attribute belongs necessarily to the subject. This is expressed by a proposition of the form, 'Men are necessarily mortal,' 'Equilateral triangles are necessarily equiangular.'  (ii) The Impossible: in this case the predicate is repugnant to the subject, e.g. 'It is impossible for irrational creatures to exercise free will.' And (iii) the Possible (or Contingent). In this case the predicate belongs to the subject in some instances, while in other instances it is not found with it. Thus e.g. 'It is possible for a man to be a grammarian.' The conjunction of the two attributes involves no impossibility, but on the other hand is not necessary. This relation may be asserted from two points of view. We may assert the possibility of the connection between subject and predicate, and express the proposition as it is expressed above. Or we may declare the possibility of their separation: and in this case the proposition will take the form, 'It is possible for a man not to be a grammarian.' Hence though there are but three modes, there are four fundamental forms of Modal propositions, as there are four fundamental forms of Categorical.

A difficulty is occasioned by the fact that ambiguity attaches to the word 'possible.'  'Possible' may have the sense in which we have just explained it. It may however, include in its signification the Necessary also; for if a predicate belongs necessarily to a subject, we can say with truth that that subject is capable of receiving it [N12] . If all triangles must have three angles, it is true to say that it is possible for a triangle to have three angles.  And similarly the assertion that it is possible for a subject not to have such and such a predicate, may have a sense in which it includes the Impossible.

The Modal may be expressed in two forms. In the first of these, the mode itself constitutes the predicate, having for its subject the proposition whose copula it affects, e.g. 'That man should be mortal is necessary,' 'that a bird should have gay plumage is possible.'  Modals of this form are all singular, since the subject is not a term, but a proposition taken as a whole. Nevertheless the modes of necessity and impossibility are a sure sign that the proposition in question is universal; while on the other hand the mode of possibility, in the sense of merely possible (as distinguished from the case in which possibility is predicated of a necessary judgment) is indicative of a particular proposition. In the second forms of the Modal the mode qualifies the copula itself: e.g. All triangles are necessarily three-angled. Modals of this form are not singular but take their quantity from their subject.

* Kant's division of Modals is based, not on the objective relation of the predicate to the subject, but on the subjective certainty of the thinker. He divides judgments into the Problematic, i.e. 'S may be P,' the Assertoric, i.e. 'S is P.' and the Apodictic, i.e. 'S must be P.' Of the problematic judgment he says that it expresses "a free choice of admitting such a proposition, and a purely optional admission of it into the under 'standing.' The assertoric judgment " implies logical reality or 'truth." The apodictic gives us the same judgment as the assertoric, when it is recognized as determined by the formal laws of the understanding, and therefore as subjectively necessary (see Ch. i. note (5)).  In regard to this division it may be said in the first place that such a proposition as 'S may be P' is of no value to the logician. It is a mere declaration of ignorance, and not a judgment at all.  Secondly, since the apodictic judgment enunciates the same truth as the assertoric, merely involving that the speaker recognizes more clearly the subjective necessity under which he lies of thus judging, there is no reason why he should not express the assertoric in the same form as the apodictic 'S must be P.'  The root error of this view is the failure to see that the copula is not a mere mental act of union, but expresses the objective connection between the subject and its attribute in the real order (see Ch. 9, § 4).

The influence of the Kantian system is to be seen in many recent logicians. We are not infrequently told that when a truth is styled 'necessary,' nothing more is meant than a 'necessity of thought,' and that the term has no reference to the real order. Mr. Bradley tells us, "a necessary truth is really an inference, and an inference is a necessary truth " (Principles, p. 225). Similarly Mr. Bosanquet writes, "Every necessary truth must, in so far as it is necessary, present itself as the conclusion from an antecedent" (Logic, II. 222).  Such a view as this must needs be fatal to any hope of attaining certitude in philosophy or science.  The existence of any necessary first principles is denied. But where there are no necessary principles, there can be no necessity in the conclusion derived from them [N13].

§ 10.  Reduction of Propositions to Logical Form.  The sentences employed in literature and in ordinary conversation exhibit considerable variety of form and complexity of structure. It is possible however to analyse them and express them in the shape of A E 1 0 propositions. This process is styled their reduction to logical form. By submitting sentences to this analysis we reach the simple elements of thought, which are contained in them. It is plain that this is very different from grammatical analysis into parts of speech. That process is concerned not with thoughts but with words. The preceding paragraphs should have rendered the task of reduction comparatively easy. Its essential feature is to obtain propositions, consisting of (1) a subject with the sign of quantity attached; (2) a copula, which must be of the form is or are (or is not, are not), and (3) a predicate.

·         We find the subject by putting to ourselves the question, Of what or of whom is this statement made?

·         We find the quantity of the subject by asking, Is the assertion made of the whole extension of the subject, or of but part of it?

·         We find the predicate by enquiring, What is it that is asserted of the subject?

These three points must always be considered, whenever the analysis of a sentence is attempted. Two other cautions may be added. First, that it is well, whenever it is possible, to express the predicate as an attribute, i.e. adjectivally, in order to bring out the true meaning of the proposition: e.g. the form 'All flattery is to be avoided' is better than 'All flattery is a thing to be avoided.' Secondly, that wherever it is necessary to introduce a time determination, this must be done in the predicate as in No. (7) below. The copula must always be in the present tense.

A few examples will illustrate the process: --

(1) 'Fools despise wisdom.'

This will become, 'All fools are despisers of wisdom' (A).

(2) 'All's well that ends well.'

This will be, 'All that ends well is well' (A).

(3) 'Firm at his dangerous post he stood.'

This in logical form is, 'He is standing firm at his dangerous post' (A).

(4) 'As a man sows, so shall he reap.'

Here we have a relative sentence. The two clauses of these propositions give us the terms of a relation. Where the words 'As . . . so' are employed to introduce the clauses, the relation is one of likeness. The analysis gives us, 'In every instance, the character of a man's harvest is like the character of his sowing' (A).

If the words 'Where . . . there' are used, we have a relation of place: if 'When . . . then,' a relation of time.

(5) 'Where thy treasure is, there will thy heart be also.'

Logically, this is, 'In every instance, the place of your treasure is the place of your heart' (A).

(6) 'Love is akin to madness.'

Here the subject is used without any sign of quantity, but clearly stands for the whole denotation of the term. The pro position becomes, 'All cases of love are akin to madness.'

Where we have compound or exponible propositions, they need resolving into their component parts, e.g.

(7) 'Lions and tigers once lived wild in Europe, but not now.'

This gives us four propositions.

'Some lions are animals, that once lived wild in Europe'  (I).

'Some tigers are animals, that once lived wild in Europe' (I).

'No lions are living wild in Europe now' (E).

'No tigers are living wild in Europe now' (E).

(8) 'Only the just enjoy peace of mind.'

This is resolved into:

'Some of the just are enjoying peace of mind' (I).

'None, who are not just, are enjoying peace of mind' (E).

(9) 'All save he had fled.'

Here we have a case, where the full force of the proposition cannot be brought out in the analysis, since we have no universal term by which to designate all the remainder. The reduction gives: --

'He is not fleeing' (E).

'Some (the rest) are fleeing' (I).

(10) 'The great is not good, but the good is great.'

Notice should be taken of the 'reduplicative' use of the word 'great' in the first clause. It signifies 'the great as such,' or 'the great, just in so far as it is great.' This must be expressed in the analysis

'The great, merely in virtue of its greatness, is not good' (E).

'The good is great' (A).

Other Signs of Quantity.  It will be useful to mention a few other modes of expressing Quantity besides those we have already noticed.

A. The universal affirmative is occasionally denoted by the expressions, Any, Whoever, He who, Always, In every case.

I may be denoted by A few, Certain, Often. Generally, Most.

E may be expressed by the word Never.

O has equivalents in A few . . . not, Not all . . . are, All are not, Few, Certain . . . not.

The word Most has been placed as one of the equivalents of I. The proposition 'Most S's are P' signifies that 'Some (more than half) S's are P,' but does not necessarily imply in addition that 'Some S's are not P.' It merely signifies that the majority of instances have been examined, and found to possess the attribute P.  Thus we might say, 'Most English flowering-plants are dicotyledonous,' without desiring to commit ourselves to any opinion as to the whole flora: or again, after looking at seven cards out of a hand at whist, we might say, 'Most of the cards in this hand are court-cards,' knowing that it was possible they might all prove to be so.  Similarly we might say, 'Few English flowering-p]ants are monocotyledonous,' even if we were ignorant whether there were any of that character. Hence Few is commonly reckoned as merely a sign of the proposition O [N14]. The words Hardly any, Scarcely any are also regarded as equivalent to O. The use of All with a negative to signify O should be carefully noticed. 'Not all the crew were lost,' will be expressed 'Some of the crew were not lost.'

Special note should be taken as to whether the terms, to which words such as All, A few, etc. etc. are attached, are used distributively or collectively (Ch. 2, § 15).  Wherever the use is collective the proposition is singular. 'All the men built a raft' is a case in point. The proposition may be expressed, 'The whole body of men is building a raft.'

§ 11. Hypothetical Propositions.  Besides the Categorical propositions which we have hitherto been considering, there is another class of judgments called Conditional. These are distinguished from Categoricals by the fact that in them the predicate is not asserted absolutely of the subject. They are divided into two classes, termed Hypothetical and Disjunctive. In the present section we are concerned with the Hypothetical.

A Hypothetical Proposition is one in which the predication made in one proposition, is asserted as a consequence from that made in another.  The proposition on which the truth of the other depends, is called the Antecedent: that which follows on its admission, is called the Consequent.  Thus in the proposition, 'If the shepherd be negligent, the sheep go astray,' the antecedent is ' If the shepherd be negligent ' ; the consequent is 'the sheep go astray.'  It will be seen that neither part of the proposition is independently asserted as true. We do not affirm that 'the shepherd is negligent,' nor yet that ' the sheep go astray.' It is the nexus between the two, the dependence of consequent on antecedent, which is affirmed.

There are two forms in which the hypothetical sentence may be expressed. These are (1) If A is B, C is D, and (2) If S is M, it is P. Judgments constructed according to the first formula, may usually by a little manipulation be expressed in the second form also. But it is incorrect to say that the latter is a more fundamental type than the former.

Hypotheticals of the second form, can be expressed categorically, by substituting in the place of 'If S is M, it is P,' the form 'All S that is M is P,' or 'All SM is P.' Similarly for the categorical 'All S is P,' we may write, ' If anything is S. it is P.'

Some writers on Logic have maintained that the categorical and hypothetical propositions are in fact equivalent. There can be no doubt that this opinion is erroneous. In the categorical we state unconditionally that S is P. In the hypothetical we state that S is P, if certain conditions are fulfilled. The constituent parts of the categorical are related as subject and attribute: the parts of a hypothetical are related as reason and consequent.  Nor is it only the mental forms that are different. The fact to be expressed positively demands one form to the exclusion of the other. Such propositions as 'Gold is yellow,' and 'If the King comes, a salute will be fired,' are distorted when they are expressed as 'If anything is gold, it is yellow,' and 'The case of the King's arrival is a case of firing a salute.'  In regard to the employment of the one form in place of the other, Professor Case has well said: "Taking the carelessly expressed propositions of ordinary life logicians do not perceive that similar propositions are often differently expressed, e.g. ''I being a man am mortal,' and 'If I am a man I am mortal': and conversely that different judgments are often similarly expressed. In ordinary life we may say 'All men are mortal, . 'All candidates arriving five minutes late are fined.' But of these universal propositions, the first expresses a categorical belief . . . the other is a slipshod expression of the 'hypothetical belief, 'If any candidates arrive late, they are 'fined.'" Encycl. Brit. (10th ed.), vol. 30, p. 333, Art. Logic.

Quantity and Quality of Hypotheticals. All hypothetical propositions are affirmative. If we desire to meet a hypothetical with its negation, we must deny what it affirms. That is to say we must deny the nexus between the antecedent and consequent. This is done by the form 'Although S is M, it need not be P.' The negative of 'If he is poor, he is uneducated,' is 'Although he is poor, he may not be uneducated.' These negative forms, however, are not themselves hypotheticals: for they do not assert the dependence of consequent on antecedent.

There can be no differences of quantity in hypotheticals, because there is no question of extension. The affirmation, as we have seen, relates solely to the nexus between the two members of the proposition.  Hence every hypothetical is singular.

§ 12. Disjunctive Propositions.

A Disjunctive Proposition is one which makes an alternative predication.

Disjunctives like Hypotheticals are of two forms: (1) Either A is B, or C is D; and (2) S is either P or Q, e.g. 'Either the general was incompetent or his subordinates were disobedient,' 'Religions are either false or true.'

It has been much disputed whether the alternatives in a disjunctive are mutually exclusive or not in other words, whether we not only know that one must be true, but also that if the one is true, the other is certainly false. Thus supposing we are aware that 'S is either P or Q,' and are then informed that 'S is P,' can we conclude that S is not Q? We shall consider this point in a subsequent chapter (see below, Ch. 14, §4).

The Disjunctive can be expressed by means of Hypothetical propositions. If it be maintained that the disjunction is exclusive, we need two hypothetical propositions to represent a disjunctive, viz., (1) If S is P, it is not Q. (2) If S is not P, it is Q.  If the mutual exclusiveness be denied, a single hypothetical will suffice. viz., ' If S is not P, it is Q.'

Quantity and Quality of Disjunctives. By virtue of their form all disjunctives are affirmative. The alternative is necessarily asserted. However, a difference in quantity is possible. The proposition may be of the form 'All S are P or Q'; or it may be particular, as, 'Some S are P or Q'.

A form of proposition termed by the Scholastics Conjunctive gives us what is practically the negative form of the Disjunctive.  Its formula is 'S is not both P and Q,' 'The King is not both at London and Windsor.'

The whole terminology of Conditionals is in confusion. We have followed that preferred by Hamilton (Logic, I. 236) and subsequently by several other authors. Some logicians make hypothetical the genus, and give the name conditional to those we have called hypothetical. This division is found in Whately and is accepted by Mill (I. 91). Perhaps the most satisfactory division is that of Boethius. He terms the genus conditionalis or hypothetica indifferently, and calls the species respectively conjuncta (connexa) and disjuncta.



[N1]  The question of the 'implication of existence' in the copula will be more fully dealt with in Ch. 7.  [Not available yet – ed.]

[N2]  Cf. St. Thomas, Summa Theol. I. Q. 53, Art. 12 [? English, Latin].

[N3] "C'est donc grace a. 1'abstraction intellectuelle que les choses sont affirmables les unes des autres, et peuvent faire fonction de predicat dans les propositions." Mercier, § 31.  And Themistius says on Arist.: "The sense-faculty gives us the phantasm of Socrates walking as a single whole: the intellect abstracts, and separates Socrates on the one hand from is walking on the other." Them. 202, 10 cited in Rodier, Traite de I'ame. II. 471.

[N4] When the predicate is not something perceived by the senses, the process of judgment is not by direct abstraction. Experience stores the mind with concepts. On one ground or another we recognize one of these in the subject, and judge, e.g., 'Caius is a coward,' 'Balbus is wise.'

[N5] On the unity of the act of judgment Aristotle is explicit. He calls it "a synthesis of concepts as though they were but one" and de Anima, III. c. 6, § 41 [English].

[N6]  See below, Ch. 7, §§ 1,4, Ch.9, §4, Ch.10, §5 [Not available yet – ed.].

[N7] The reason for this is easy to see, when the word has the significance "some only." it is really equivalent to two propositions, one affirmative, one negative. When it is used in reference to certain definite individuals, A. B. C, it is equivalent to so many singular judgments. It is only in its indeterminate reference that it is an independent and elementary thought. form.

[N8] Cf. St. Thomas, Opusc. 44 Summa Totius Logicae, de Interp. C 6 [Latin]. It is of his work but not in his hand.

[N9] An attribute which is thus connected with the subject by necessary resultancy is termed a property of that subject. The term will be fully discussed in Ch. 8, §1.

 [N10]  Analytic Propositions were termed by the Scholastics 'Propositiones per se notae'. cf. Arist. An. Post. I. C. 4, § 3 [English], and St. Thomas, in An. Post. I. lect. X [Latin]. "Primus modus ejus quod est per se est quando praedicatur de finitio de aliquo definito, vel aliquid in definitione positum: . . . secundus modus dicendi per se est quando subjectum ponitur in definitione praedicati, quod est proprium accidens ejus." Cf. also De Anima, II. lect. 14 [Latin].

[N11] If without axioms it is impossible to infer," says Mr. Bradley, "I wonder where all the axioms can have come from" (Principles of Logic, p. 227).  There is no mystery about axioms. They are Analytic propositions in which the connection of subject and predicate is immediately evident. Cf. St. Thomas, Summa Theol. I. Q. a, Art. x. "Ex hoc aliqua propositio est per se nota, quod praedicatum includitur in ratione subjecti. . . . Si igitur notum sit 'omnibus de praedicato et de subjecto quid sit, propositio erit omnibus per se nota."

[N12] Summa Totius Logicae, Tract. 6, c.13 [Latin]. "Notandum quod possibile dupliciter potest sumi: vel in toto suo significato, et tunc comprehendit necessarium et contingens. . . . AIio modo, sumitur solum pro contingentibus." Similarly Aristotle tells us that 'possible' when used in regard of what is necessary, is employed in a distinct sense'

[N13]  Cf. Rickaby, General Metaphysics, p. x8o.

[N14]  The difference between A few and Few is to be observed. A few is equivalent to some. "Few," says Mr. Keynes, " has a negative force. And 'Few S's are P' may be regarded as equivalent to 'Most S's are not P.'"

Chapter IV


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